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Best eyelash extensions – history in a nutshell, description of techniques

Best eyelash extensions – history in a nutshell, description of techniques

You would like to know a little bit more about the history of eyelash extensions but you don’t know who can answer your questions. You keep searching for information about the best eyelash extension techniques on the Internet. You are trying to find effective alternatives but you have no idea where to look for it. We are coming to rescue. You can find the answers to all intriguing questions here.

Over one hundred years ago, the idea of eyelash extension appeared in D.W. Griffith’s head. He was an American director who was the first to design and use false eyelashes. While working on the project, he aimed to create the extension of the lower lashes only. At that time, there was no need to lengthen the upper eyelashes. We cannot imagine what effect it would bring now.

At first, false eyelashes were made of human hair and fine gauze. They could be admired for the first time in Intolerance in 1916. Unfortunately, the film wasn’t a success, therefore the American director couldn’t patent his invention. His idea was dug out and modified within one decade. Eyelash extensions proved to be a huge success.

We have mentioned the history of false eyelashes. The age of eyelash extensions – the one that we know today – came a bit later. The precursor of semi-permanent eyelashes was an… IT specialist. He discovered that eyelashes are multilayer so he started working on a technique of glueing eyelashes to the skin. After numerous trials, he developed effective multilayer eyelash extensions. This method originates from Korea; it reached Europe around 2005.

Best eyelash extensions – techniques

Variety of eyelash extension techniques has been developed since the beginnings of the popularity of false eyelashes. Similarly to other life areas, we benefit from things that were developed and tested by our ancestors. What does eyelash extension consist in?

Eyelash extension is a method that we use to lengthen our lashes, make the lash line fuller and define eye shape through attaching false eyelashes to our natural lashes.

The basic definition of this treatment fails to tell us how many benefits eyelash extension can bring. We can choose between various types of eyelashes, materials, lengths and even colours. As a result, we are able to get a bit closer to natural-looking effects. On the other hand, even best eyelash extensions are not as good as eyelash serums which keep our lashes healthy. Eyelash extension will always be just masking of the problem. Regrettably, it will never be fully safe.

Eyelash extension techniques:

Baleyage – a method that brings a tridimensional and quite natural-looking effect thanks to different colours of fibers. False eyelashes don’t have to be black because it makes them look very cartoonish. You will achieve far better results if you combine black and for example brown, charcoal grey or other shade that resembles the natural colour of your hair. When we match the lashes to the colour of the iris, they will look the most spectacular. It is a great way of making eyes look bigger and more expressive.

Wedding – there is a reason why the method has such a name. The technique has been developed for brides who desire a more spectacular effect on this special day. That is why, longer fake lashes of stronger curl are used. Thanks to better quality materials and more defined eyelash styling, women can feel exceptional on their wedding day. Their eyes will be outstanding in each of the wedding pictures.

Dramatic – a technique that is suitable for actresses and models. When women work in front of a camera, their eyes must look attractive in order to draw attention. In this case, eyelash extension means very thick lashes of maximum curl (type D). This technique is about the increased volume and expressive curl for dramatic effect – perfect for the big scene.

Fashion – eyelash extension used by stylists e.g. before fashion shows. Generally, we would never think about putting on false eyelashes that have untypical colours and patterns or are made of feathers. But everything is possible in fashion shows. Consequently, false lashes for models are often characterized by maximum curls and various decorations e.g.: sequins, cubic zirconia, feathers, stones. They come in a wide range of colours that you can play with and choose for the occasion.

To be honest, only the first option is fit for every-day life. It is the most natural-looking eyelash extension. Obviously, it has some downsides, including: risk of irritation, high costs, time-consuming treatment and finding a professional technician who will not spoil the final effect.

Nanolash eyelash and eyebrow serum

Nanolash-phenomenal-effects-on-the-eyelashes-and-eyebrowsIdeally composed formula of natural ingredients and a very precisely thought-out application method – this is Nanolash eyelash and eyebrow growth serum. It is said to be the best alternative to eyelash extension. Even the best eyelash extensions have many weaknesses whereas the eyelash and eyebrow serum delivers far more natural effects. What are they?

  1. Even up to 50% longer eyelashes.
  2. Spectacularly full lash line.
  3. Eyelashes become stronger and better anchored in hair follicles.
  4. Elastic and shiny lashes.
  5. Noticeably darker eyelashes and defined eyes.

Application of eyelash and eyebrow serum is trouble-free. You can observe longer eyelashes after more or less 2-4 weeks. Maximum results will be achieved around the third month of the treatment. Contrary to other eyelash extension methods, they will last even six months. This is also the time that 3 ml of the serum holds out. Nanolash must be applied on a daily basis but it is very efficient thanks to fluid formula, good absorption and precise applicator. Extending eyelashes has never been so easy.

Nanolash eyelash and eyebrow serum
owes its success to: natural and concentrated formula, competitive price, trouble-free application and amazingly spectacular effects.

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